One sassy lady is on the quest to enlighten the brains of numerous Americans across the country.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Note to Creative Directors

I was informed by my Advertising professor that numerous brands are going straight to the mass population to create ads for them through contests. It seems like all of Dorito's new commercials have been created this way, inlcuding their Super Bowl spot (see Now, I do agree that that would be a really neat prize, and I did laugh at that commericial (specifically because I love when people fall and that girl falling was quite convincing) but it sort of scares me at the same time. Will this lead to a trend of companies skipping over the Advertising agencies all together to gain publicity, cut costs, and get feedback directly from their target audience? To be honest, if I were in charge of a brand - it would seem like a pretty genius idea to me. Forget the research, forget the costs, why not have the people who love your brand tell you what will sell your product?

I yi yi.

So I say, turn it up agencies. Make your commercials more than what the general public can give you. I've always loved print ads over commericals because they seem like they are more art than anything. So, let's do the same to commercials. And soon.

I leave you with this. The American version commerical for a Sony Bravia TV:

American Version

And here is the European version:

European Version

I become speechless when attempting to explain why the American version is just wretched in comparsion. No more crap America, get your act together otherwise... well, I'll be jobless.


JS said...

I agree..agencies need to look at these contests to see what types of commercials are popular with different audiences. If companies could mirror these types of commercials without giving in to having outside-audiences create them that would be a step in the right direction. In order for this to work, now is the time to learn from these contests before they take over the advertising world completely.

phoebe said...

i think the point you bring up is scary, as well as extremely relevant to the ad world today. i think that agencies need to kick it up, and i completely agree with your point that commercials should try to be more innovative, more artful.....and yeah, i'll be out of a job too if all advertising is turned over to the consumers!! haha yikes!!

Marion Evans said...

I too agree with these ladies. I think that due in part to the companies starting "create an advertising" promotion campaign we will be seeing a lot of new advertising ideas. The public may have some hidden creative talents, we need some new stuff here. I am tired of the non-creative, sell a woman and not the prduct advertising!!

matty said...

Looks like I'm moving to Europe for a job.

Jenni said...

Look up "banned ads" on youtube. you'll find some pretty funny stuff.
but in relation to your post, agencies need to step up the creativity. America is such a diverse country that our ads should be reflecting that.

BrianneMichelle said...

I absolutely love the European one...LOVE it! Even though its a million times longer than the American version I enjoy watching it. The American version is crap! I'm joining mattdekneff in moving to Europe.

JustineA said...

The European ad is so much better compared to the American ad!! You can see that the European version is much simpler and more creative rather than the American version, which is somewhat boring and irrelevant to the product in my opinion. Good topic Regina it’s very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I’m adding this to 394.4 mile long list of “why I want to live in Europe”

You’ve got a great topic =)