One sassy lady is on the quest to enlighten the brains of numerous Americans across the country.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

By bad, I mean some are bad.

How many people do you know that associate advertising with evil? I know many. In fact, when I was leaving to college 3 years ago to study advertising I got numerous "tsks" and perhaps even a "what's next Regina? Selling your firstborn for a footlong at Subway?". It's somewhat irritating but at the same time I can't blame people for thinking that. Advertising has the potential to do its job of selling something/an idea and to do it in a beautiful manner. Sadly, we are instead bombarded with idiot men ironically singing about being manly and loving meat. I'd like to say it loud and clear: I did not want to get into this industry to accomplish things like that.

What I wanted to do was create art that had purpose. I think that many of the ads that come out in America are embarassing and stoop to low levels. What happened to thought? Bold? Clever? Witty? Instead Americans get easy, slap-stick and just plain old dumb. The rest of the world seems to soak in good ads and I say it's time we get to too. I'm tired of having to go online to look for good ads instead of picking up a magazine and have them in there. I hope you never look at ads the same after hearing my two cents.



Katie Stephens said...

I love the part about Subway..haha...your on a good start and have a great thesis that could help lead your blog in many different directions :) good job!
I would maybe do a series of ads that you and contrast to adds that you dislike...just an idea!

Anonymous said...

My major at Chapman is Advertising, so this hits close to home! This is a good topic that should be addressed...the dumbing down of America should not happen to the level that it is.

Niko Turko said...

haha. I really like how I can hear your "voice" through your different blog posts. you got me with the Subway joke. I like your view on advertising and think it is something you can really go far with.

Lindsay said...

The points you're making about advertising are exactly why I have never wanted to go in to the field.

I really like your outlook of advertising as creating art with purpose, it's refreshing in a world inundated with slapstick beer jokes.

I am interested to find out what you think of Disney commercials...

Shana Leigh said...

I think at some level we all feel this way about advertising and how "Bad" commercials and print ads can be. It's especially important to us because many of uis are going into this field of work. Very interesting topic. Can't wait to read more.

Unknown said...

I really like your topic. It's an interesting point of view.

vanity313 said...

I love your tone, epically about selling your first born for a foot long at subway. Keep it up; you've got a good topic here!

Anonymous said...

hahahahhaa I'm so glad you mentioned the man singing about loving meat