The Bad Ad Fad

One sassy lady is on the quest to enlighten the brains of numerous Americans across the country.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

How on Earth have I not talked about this ad?

I am pretty certain that this advertisment is the worst thing on TV right now (worse than Moniques Charm School). I'm talking that STUPID ad for Burger King. I'm already mad and I haven't even gotten started. Watch:

I HATE THIS AD. I realize that there is a hooplah over this POS for being "erotic" for kids to see according to Reverend Wildmon. I agree with Advertising Age saying that this ad is actually not erotic or threatening for children to see but rather silly. But I for sure disagree with them saying that this ad is "very, very funny". Good lord, did they really just publish that? How many times do we have to see the pretty wife scoff at her fatter, less attractive idiot husband? BORESVILLE. Newsflash, some woman are actually silly and aren't totally mortified by acts of dumb behavior shown in this commercial. If my husband popped out of the bath saying he was Spongebob Nopants I'd raise him with an "ohh yeah? (grab sponge from kitchen sink and place on head) Well I'm Spongebob Barfpants" and proceed to projectile vomit on myself. See! Women can be silly!! What I'm trying to say is that not only is the script for this commercial stupid and doesn't correlate with the product they are trying to sell (naked man with sponge on head does not equal SpongeBob SquarePants meal at BK) but they are playing with old stereotypes and it is totally boring. I'd seriously like to see the woman being a goofball and her husband showing emotions that indicate he is questioning his life choices for once. Sheesh.

Hahaha Oh Genie

I usually think beer ads are pretty mediocre, kind of dumb college humor but I really thought this Budweiser ad is hilarious.

This ad caught me off guard, I really did not see that coming. I thought both actors were really good and I thought this was original and made fun of idiots in a great way. Way to go Budweiser!! I never thought I'd be so proud of you.

Volvos not only safe

I was checking out the Volvo C30 Canadian website (totally random, right?) and I think their new ads are really rad. Go to then wait until the intro is over and then at the top bar click "Cinema" then click the doors (sorry, the site doesn't make any links) and a list will pop up with all the videos they have made. I guess they asked their lovely Canadian fellas what they think about the Volvo C30 and they made shorts/commercials about each one. I think my favorite is the "It makes me feel like a real man" because Volvo is usually only known as the safe car (oh god, how horrible - I know), but it was sort of neat that they are trying to go in the direction their customers feel.

Cool approach. I also like the way the little videos look too. Ohh Sweden and Canada, why aren't you the US?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I've never been so proud to be an Italian

Um. I wish that I was in Italy when they casted for this commercial because nothing speaks to me more than this ad. How do you make parmesan cheese memorable and entertaining? Use a musical theatre element of course! It's just so ridiculous and fun you can't say no. I love the Italians.

How to keep America dumb? Train them young. posted an article today called Kids Eat 100 Percent More After Food Commercials. In the UK at the University of Liverpool they conducted a survey with 60 children ranging in ages 9 to 11. They had them watch food and toy commercials before viewing a cartoon. Food intake increased dramatically when the children watched the food commercial before the cartoon. Obese children had an increase of food take at 134%, overweight at 101% and normals at 84%.

"Our research confirms food TV advertising has a profound effect on all children's eating habits - doubling their consumption rate," said Dr. Jason Halford, director of the university's Kissileff Human Ingestive Behaviour Laboratory, in a press statement released by the University of Liverpool. "The study was also particularly interesting in suggesting a strong connection between weight and susceptibility to over-eating."

Well, duh. I am no child and I can watch a commercial for an Applebee's dish and crave it within minutes and I think Applebee's is gnarly. I don't mean gnarly in the sense a surfer would use it. What I mean is that advertising is brainwashing. Every person seems to know this yet still are persuaded by it. Poor children, they are too innocent to know the ways of the advertising world so when they see that ad for the McDonald's Happy Meal, they want it and they want it now. I wouldn't be quite as sickened by this if say Yoplait yogurt, Subway, Tropicana, veggies and fruit commercials were aimed at kids but of course it's all fatty mcfat and sugary goods. All I have to say is, parents - where the hell are you and why are you letting your kids get so damned fat?

Monday, April 23, 2007

Green Advertising brings green outcome

Due to an Inconvenient Truths wild success, there has been a surge of Americans "thinking green" (as they drive their Hummers to the grocery store 6 times in one day, but that is besides the point - they buy Free Trade Starbucks coffee so they really do care). So obviously it makes sense that the Washington Post would launch a website called targeted towards environmentally conscious women. To me, is a haven for stereotyped hippies. Click on fashion to see their highly coveted wooden rings. Or maybe click on beauty to check out their toothpaste made from wood. I swear to god I thought they were going to give tips on where to find the coziest cave in the housing section. Not all green people are hippies.

In an article published in the New York Times this morning this morning, they talked about as well as the green fad and the advertising oppurtunties that are there for green goers.

Now, I am all about people being more aware and conserving energy and all that jazz, but it sort of makes me sick what a trend this has become. For instance, WALMART claims to be going green. Meanwhile, they will be exploiting their employees and factory workers to work harder to mass produce green products so that good ol' Americans can feel the satisfaction in their heart that they helped out because they bought environmentally conscious disposable diapers (not possible!). It just makes me nervous that thousands of people will be listening to CORPORATIONS on where to get info on how to be green. They don't really care, they just want money.

This topic is a bit off topic for me, except for the fact that consumers should be very careful when listening to advertisers speil about green products. It's probably best to get your green information from someone wearing a hemp shirt, not a business suit.

The Troll Honda Pilot

Has anyone seen the troll Honda Pilot ad? If not, view here:

I really like the idea but I think it's sort of weird that they don't answer 3 questions. It could be because I am one of those people who read the book first before it comes out as a movie and sit and complain the whole time because the plot is different (aka I'm anal). I wish they made sure to make it make sense and this ad would be good. I think they should have done more with it, like make the troll much more mean and intimidating and make it more obvious that he was flabbergasted by the beauty of the Pilot.

...and have them answer 3 question.