One sassy lady is on the quest to enlighten the brains of numerous Americans across the country.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

By bad, I mean some are bad.

How many people do you know that associate advertising with evil? I know many. In fact, when I was leaving to college 3 years ago to study advertising I got numerous "tsks" and perhaps even a "what's next Regina? Selling your firstborn for a footlong at Subway?". It's somewhat irritating but at the same time I can't blame people for thinking that. Advertising has the potential to do its job of selling something/an idea and to do it in a beautiful manner. Sadly, we are instead bombarded with idiot men ironically singing about being manly and loving meat. I'd like to say it loud and clear: I did not want to get into this industry to accomplish things like that.

What I wanted to do was create art that had purpose. I think that many of the ads that come out in America are embarassing and stoop to low levels. What happened to thought? Bold? Clever? Witty? Instead Americans get easy, slap-stick and just plain old dumb. The rest of the world seems to soak in good ads and I say it's time we get to too. I'm tired of having to go online to look for good ads instead of picking up a magazine and have them in there. I hope you never look at ads the same after hearing my two cents.
